Can Float Therapy Be Used for Anxiety Treatment?
Real talk: Anxiety is one of the most common issues America faces.
According to some estimates, more than 18% of Americans endure some form of anxiety. That’s more than 40 million people. Yet, out of that staggering number, only about one in three seeks treatment for it.
If you’re an anxiety sufferer, you know how debilitating a condition it can be. Granted, no two people stricken by anxiety experience it the same way. But regardless of the type, frequency or severity of the symptoms, we can all agree that the condition can have a real impact on our overall quality of life.
And while anxiety can stem from a variety of sources ranging from genetics to trauma, one thing is clear: the therapeutic benefits of floating have been shown to have a significant, measurable impact on the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental unrest.
All of us seek calm in our daily lives. Just waking up in the morning and anticipating the struggles we’ll face during our daily routines can sometimes have an impact on our emotional state. Jobs, family, money, responsibilities, obligations...The demands we face can often feel overwhelming even under the best of circumstances.
Now, add clinical-level anxiety into the mix. Suddenly, even the most basic tasks become impossible. Simple routines generate fear. Small inconveniences can feel like insurmountable obstacles. And even academically understanding these emotions to be baseless doesn’t help, since it can be easy-to self-talk into feeling guilty and foolish due to having stress you “don’t have to.”
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to just shut all of it out for a little while? Fall into complete relaxation, clear your mental slate of all the pressure of your responsibilities, and reset your mood to a default state?
Yeah, we thought so, too. That’s why Float Milwaukee is here.
So what can a float do for you?
Truly, no two float experiences are the same. No two floaters bring the same frame of reference to the experience, so everyone gets something different from it. That said, many floaters do describe consistent effects regardless of their reasons for coming in. The overwhelming majority tell us that they leave the float feeling calmer than when they began. More relaxed. Possessed of a sharper mental focus. Clearer.
To put a far more academic point on it, a 2018 study found that people who underwent float therapy as a means of attempting to attain relief from mental discomfort had overwhelmingly positive take-aways from the experience. All participants in the experiment reported “significant reductions in stress, muscle tension, pain [and] depression...accompanied by a significant improvement in mood characterized by increases in serenity, relaxation, happiness and overall well-being.”
Wow. What a ringing endorsement!
Many of our customers here at Float Milwaukee have described similar relief from stress and anxiety. Here’s what just a few of our valued friends had to say about their experiences at Float (reprinted with their permission):
“I often suffer from too many thoughts rushing through my mind and never just being in the moment. Floating allowed me to completely relax and clear my mind. I felt completely rejuvenated after! Thank you for the great experience!”
“I'm trying to achieve clarity and focus right now as my life is in a major transition. Float really helped me with something I always struggled with, attaining inner solace.”
“When finished, I never felt so clean and refreshed! Very purifying and transformative for those wanting to 'let go'.”
“I had an enlightening float and can't wait to go back! Felt relaxed and clear-headed right away, with the sense of calmness staying with me for hours afterward.”
“I was very apprehensive going in but once I settled in and consciously relaxed it was an amazing, weightless, daydream-ish experience. I left feeling energized and relaxed at the same time. I would definitely do this again!”
We’re always touched when people have a good experience, and even more so when they’re willing to share it. And obviously, any therapeutic practice works differently for different people. But floaters overwhelmingly express a sense of inner peace as a result of their experience, so we’re confident that anyone who enters the water will come out better for having done so.
When you’re ready to find out how floating can help you overcome what ails you, CLICK HERE to book your float. We look forward to helping you get the best of your stress.